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The kidney-shaped table & coffee table collection - design for every ambience!

Have you ever heard of a piece of furniture that not only impresses with its unique design, but also with its historical significance and versatility? We are talking about the kidney-shaped table, a piece of furniture that was particularly popular in the 50s and 60s and is experiencing a renaissance today. The queence Table Collection presents an exclusive selection of kidney-shaped tables that add a touch of nostalgia and elegance to any setting.

Inspired by the past, made for the future
Our kidney-tables are more than just pieces of furniture. They are a statement of style and a tribute to an era known for its bold design and attention to detail. From the classic 50s kidney-shaped tables in white to the colorful designs of the 60s and modern interpretations of this iconic piece of furniture - our collection combines tradition with modernity.

Unique variety for every taste
Whether you are looking for a kidney-shaped table in plain white, elegant black or vibrant colors, the queence Table Collection has them all. From small side tables to larger coffee tables that can form the centerpiece of your living room.

Details that make the difference
The special feature of our kidney-tables is not only their design, but also their functionality and quality.

The perfect addition to any setting
Whether you want to design your living room, your office or your garden, a kidney-shaped table from queence blends seamlessly into any environment. You can choose between retro vibes that bring a touch of nostalgia to your space or modern designs that provide a contemporary look.

Where history meets modernity
The queence Table Collection honors the history of the kidney-shaped table by combining its classic elements with modern designs and materials. Each table tells its own story - from the GDR kidney-shaped table, which reflects a piece of German history, to the kidney-shaped table of the 70s, which captures the vibrant atmosphere of that time.

Find your perfect kidney-table
Discover our diverse selection and find the kidney-shaped table that not only suits your style, but also your life. In the queence Table Collection, you will find the kidney-shaped table that enriches your rooms and tells your personal story.

To our kidney-shaped tables
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